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.womxn. .mystery. .sisterhood.

The mystery of The Feminine is a depth constantly inviting us into herself; a space where shadow and light are held in a dance that is the very essence of creation. Through the triune that is '.doula Kai.', '.kila dada.' and the '.wreath'n'crown,' I have given myself to the revelation of her ancience, mystery and the power held in sisterhood.

And, so it is.


Being a member of the Doula Thrive sisterhood and student at the School of Transformational Facilitation and Community Healing Arts, has equipped me to truly explore what it means to co-create healing containers with womxn in different stages of life. Through my work as counsellor and facilitator at the Kenyan and South African Africa Global Youth Peace Summit I have had the chance to grow the capacity to hold space for healing and tranformative experiences. Curating and co-facilitating the .moon circles. has further allowed me to traverse the sweet waters that are womxn-centred spaces and conversations.

The journey is ripe.

.doula kai.

From the moment the seeds of conception are planted, life begins to reveal itself anew. This is a period where, if allowed and supported, intuition and information meet in the sacred dance of creation.




Something in our ability to heal and nourish deepens when we gather. In such womxn-centred spaces, the opportunity to lay our perspectives side by side; a tapestry woven in fine wisps of empathy, presents.



.she has roads living inside of her.

.weaving through sunsets that ache to rise through her eyes;

.in the songs of her sons and daughters

.humming her feet into the primordial dance of her mothers, 

.unfurling in the sacred re-membrance.

.of regeneration.

.of abundance.

.of thrive.

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